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: 관리자 : 2019년 5월 3일 (금), 오후 1:35

[SmartBiz Accelerators] DAE SEI MULSAN, a manufacturer of durable corrugated boxes

DAE SEI MULSAN, a manufacturer of durable corrugated boxes 내구성이 좋은 골판지 상자를 생산하는 ‘대세물산’

DAE SEI MULSAN is a manufacturer of durable corrugated boxes. The company has developed customized corrugated packaging materials that can be used for different areas including food, electrical goods as well as fruits and vegetables. The business has gained recognition from the clients by maintaining a stable supply of goods. And the firm has gained trust by keeping a close partnership with its cooperators for over a decade.
For more information on the company: hanhs6172@naver.com

내구성이 좋은 골판지 상자를 생산하는 ‘대세물산’
식품, 전기제품, 청과물 등 광범위하게 사용 가능한 고객 맞춤형 골판지 포장재 개발에 주력하고 있다. 기존 고객사로부터 납품 안정성과 취급의 용이성을 인정받아 10년 이상 거래하며 신뢰성을 확보했다.
